
J. Bigun


The schedule and the lecturers are given here.


[1]  Publications relevant to each presentation. More information is obtained by contacting the lecturers.


The successfull examination results in   grade  "Passed", which requires having  achieved  the following:

  1. Participation to 2/3 of the lectures
  2. Preparing high quality  lectures on own research
  3. Active participation to discussions of other lecturers
The grade is given at the end of the examination period that follows the course.


The passed course gives  3 credit points (IS-Lab) which corresponds to  three weeks studies.
The duration of the course is 2 academic semesters (1 year).


The course takes place weekly according to a schedule in the form of  seminars given by participants working  towards a PhD within an area that is relevant to Intelligent Systems Laboratory.  During the seminars  each  participant makes a presentation of  30 minutes on her/his own research.  The  first 20 minutes  are reserved to the lecture whereas the last 10 minutes  are reserved to discussions. With approximately 12  participants,  the frequency of the seminars is   2 lectures  per year and per participant.   Consequently, the number of participants is not allowed to be much larger or much smaller than 12.

The seminar series also includes invited speakers.

The purpose of the course includes
providing a constructive feedback on issues that can be improved on primarily  the
    scientific  aspects of the work.
training on  giving high quality scientific presentations on own research in English
providing an overview of  subjects related but not directly within the  core research
   area of ones own research.